During the week our church hosts numerous different Bible Study groups were we open up the Word of God to study and to learn how to apply the scriptures to our everyday lives. They are pretty casual and are often at people’s homes or in our church building, and it becomes a great place to open up and make Christian friendships too. There is often a time for coffee where people can have time to get to know each other better.

Some Bible Studies are hosted on Sunday evenings for our Young Peoples and another for adults. Every other Wednesday evening there is another Adult Bible Study group which meets at the church.  Every other Wednesday in our church basement there is a Woman’s Bible Study group for women of all ages and babysitting is provided for little ones.  Our Bible Study groups use a variety of different study guides, some may discuss a number of different of topics that deal with current events or other issues that affect our Christian walk of Faith. But in general most groups follow a Book of the Bible to study. Please feel free to contact us for more information in regards to any group you may want to join