The Blessings Box: A Community Pantry in Sherbrooke Neighbourhood


What is it?
The Blessings Box is located near the side doors of the Providence church building, facing the public sidewalk on the west side of the building. The pantry is stocked with food essentials that are free and available to anyone in need. It’s a simple way to support the Sherbrooke neighbourhood and share God’s love with our community.

The goal:
The Blessings Box was started in 2023 in the hopes of creating an easy way to share kindness and love to anyone in our community who is struggling. Since it began, the box is almost always in use, either by those who have been giving or those who are receiving. We would love to keep the box stocked at all times so no one finds it empty.

How can you help:
None of the church members live in Sherbrooke, so the box is only stocked once or twice a week at the moment. Supporting the box is easy: it only takes adding one or two pantry items when you can!

Donation Guidelines:

Non-perishable Food Essentials:
-Dried pasta, rice, beans
-Canned sauces, soups, and vegetables
-Baking mixes, ingredients (flour, sugar, etc.)
-School snacks & juice boxes
-Individual tea & hot chocolate, & instant coffee

Hygiene items:
-Toothbrushes & paste
-Feminine hygiene products

To keep our box safe and useful for everyone, please avoid the following:

-Donating books, games or clothing (our box is quite small, so these items fill up space meant for food).
-Donating perishable food or items that could spoil.
-In winter, cans and other liquids can expand when frozen, so please refrain from putting them in the box.


If you have any questions or would like to share how the Blessings Box has helped you, please contact us here.