October 27, 2019

At the Lord’s Supper a focused faith is a strengthened faith

Speaker: Elder C. Bansema Series: Lord's Day Topic: PM Service Passage: John 6:25–59


Before Service Song – Ps. 101: 1, 2
Votum & Salutation
Song of Response – Hymn 29
Profession of Faith
Song of Response – Hymn 2
Reading of Scripture – John 6: 25-59
Song of Preparation – Ps. 78: 1, 6, 9
Reading of Lord’s Day 28

Ministry of the Word
At the Lord’s Supper a focused faith is a strengthened faith.
We’ll consider faith and:
1. What it sees in the elements of bread and wine
2. What it observes in the offering of these elements
3. What it appropriates in the possession of these elements

Song of Response – Ps. 107: 1-4
Thanksgiving Prayer
Offertory – Outreach Mission
Song of Closing – Hymn 84

other sermons in this series