December 16, 2018

Face up to your sin, and then look up to God!

Speaker: Elder C. Bansema Series: Romans Topic: PM Service Passage: Romans 2:1–11, Romans 3:1–8, Romans 6:15–23


Before Service Song – Amazing Grace
Votum & Salutation
Song of Response – Ps. 9: 1, 4, 5
Profession of Faith
Song of Response – Hymn 2
Reading of Scripture – Romans 2: 1-11; 3: 1-8; 6: 15-23
Song of Preparation – Ps. 65: 1, 2, 3

Face up to your sin, and then look up to God!
1. Our total accountability
2. God’s majestic personality
3. Our new responsibility

Song of Response – Hymn 80: 1, 2, 5, 6
Thanksgiving Prayer
Offertory – The Mustard Seed
Song of Closing – Hymn 84: 1, 2, 3, 4