December 11, 2016

The LORD makes promises to David’s Son and Lord

Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Series: Lord's Day Topic: AM Service Passage: 2 Samuel 7:11b–17, Matthew 22:41–46, Acts 2:22–36, Psalm 110


Before Service Song – Ps. 110: 1, 4, 6
Votum & Salutation
Song of Response – Ps. 95: 1, 3
Ten Words of the Covenant
Song of Response – Ps. 132: 6, 7, 10
Reading of Scripture – 2 Samuel 7: 11b-17
Matthew 22: 41-46
Acts 2: 22-36
Hebrews 5: 1-10
Song of Preparation – Ps. 2: 3, 4
Reading of the text – Psalm 110
Ministry of the Word

The LORD makes promises to David’s Son and Lord
1. Jesus Christ will be exalted King (vs. 1-3)
2. Jesus Christ will be eternal Priest (vs. 4-7)

Song of Response – Hymn 40: 3, 4, 5
Thanksgiving Prayer
Offertory – Mustard Seed
Song of Closing – Hymn 45

other sermons in this series