August 21, 2016

As a type of Christ, Boaz redeems the land and Ruth the Moabitess.

Speaker: Elder C. Bansema Series: Ruth Topic: AM Service Passage: Ruth 4


Before Service Song – Ps. 95: 1, 2, 3
Votum & Salutation
Song of Response – Ps. 84: 1, 2
Ten Words of the Covenant
Song of Response – Ps. 85: 1, 2
Reading of Scripture – Ruth 4
Song of Preparation – Ps. 128: 1, 2, 3
Reading of the text – Ruth 4: 1-12

Ministry of the Word
As a type of Christ, Boaz redeems the land and Ruth the Moabitess. We will consider:
1. The character of this redemption
2. The blessing upon this redemption

Song of Response – Ps. 85: 3, 4
Thanksgiving Prayer
Offertory – Needy
Song of Closing – Ps. 84: 3, 6