
Sermons from this Series

Mar 28


March 28, 2021

Jesus Enters Jerusalem as the Promised Messiah-King

Speaker: Rev. M. Ramkissoon Passage: John 12:12–19 Series: John

Jan 17


January 17, 2021

If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed

Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Passage: John 8:12–47 Series: John

Aug 16


August 16, 2020

Christ is the fulfilment of the covenant promise

Speaker: Elder H. Baker Passage: Exodus 40:34–38, John 1:1–18 Series: John

May 10


May 10, 2020

Jesus is the bread of life

Speaker: Rev. Mark ten Haaf Passage: John 6:25–59 Series: John

Oct 27


October 27, 2019

A Legacy of Love

Speaker: Elder H. Baker Passage: John 13:1–35 Series: John

Oct 6


October 6, 2019

Seeing the outcome

Speaker: Rev. S. VanLeeuwen Passage: John 9, John 1:14–18 Series: John

Oct 6


October 6, 2019

Actions calls for reaction

Speaker: Rev. S. VanLeeuwen Passage: Romans 1:16–23, John 1:6–13 Series: John

Dec 2


December 2, 2018

Jesus our Lord prays for Himself. Jesus prays

Speaker: Elder R. Bos Passage: John 17 Series: John

Jul 1


July 1, 2018

At the Feast of Tabernacles, Jesus offers life-giving water.

Speaker: Mark ten Haaf Passage: Ezekiel 47:1–12, John 7:25–39 Series: John

Apr 22


April 22, 2018

If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed

Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Passage: John 8:12–47 Series: John

Sep 24


September 24, 2017

Jesus Answers Nicodemus’ Question of How it is Possible that a Person Can be Born Again

Speaker: Rev. Hans Kalkman Passage: Numbers 21:4–9, John 3:1–21 Series: John

May 14


May 14, 2017

What the Father Seeks

Speaker: Rev R. Pontier Passage: Hebrews 12:18–29, John 4:19–24 Series: John

Apr 9


April 9, 2017

How the Lord Jesus Pay the Price of His Innocence in a Guilty World

Speaker: Rev. W. B. Slomp Passage: John 18:28–40, John 19:1–16 Series: John

Apr 2


April 2, 2017

The Lord Jesus gives His disciples 153 fish to teach us that He sustains the church in her task.

Speaker: Rev. J.M. VanSpronsen Passage: Ezekiel 47:6–12, 2 Corinthians 8:1–15, 2 Corinthians 9:10–15, John 21:1–14 Series: John

Mar 26


Apr 10


April 10, 2016

The risen Jesus appears to his disciples for the third at the Sea of Galilee

Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Passage: Luke 5:1–11, John 21:1–14 Series: John

Mar 27


March 27, 2016

The mystery of the empty tomb

Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Passage: Matthew 28:1–15, John 20:1–2, John 20:10–18 Series: John

Feb 28


February 28, 2016

We believe in God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

Speaker: Rev. C. Vanderlinde Passage: Deuteronomy 6:1–9, John 14 Series: John

Sep 6


September 6, 2015

Work for eternal life in Christ Jesus

Speaker: Rev. J.M. VanSpronsen Passage: John 6:22–29 Series: John

Apr 5


April 5, 2015

See the tears of our Saviour at the grave of Lazarus.

Speaker: Rev. A.B Roukema Passage: John 11:35 Series: John

Mar 1


March 1, 2015

Jesus revealed his glory at the wedding feast at Cana

Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Passage: John 2:1–2:11 Series: John

Feb 22


February 22, 2015

Jesus is our Good Shepherd.

Speaker: Rev. A.B Roukema Passage: John 10:14 Series: John

Feb 8


February 8, 2015

What do you want?

Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Passage: John 1:35–1:42 Series: John

Feb 1


February 1, 2015

I have seen and I testify that this is the Son of God

Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Passage: John 1:29–1:34 Series: John

Jan 4


January 4, 2015

The Jews of Jerusalem sent officials to interrogate John the Baptist

Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Passage: John 1:19–1:28 Series: John

Dec 7


December 7, 2014

The perseverance of the saints is a comfort to the godly

Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Passage: John 10:1–10:30 Series: John

Aug 24


August 24, 2014

Look up and live

Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Passage: John 3`:1–3:15 Series: John

Jul 13


July 13, 2014

Through the blood of Jesus, God saves and preserves his elect

Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Passage: John 10:1–10:21 Series: John

Jun 22


June 22, 2014

The Holy Spirit will teach all the things that Jesus said

Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Passage: John 14:15–14:31 Series: John

Apr 6


April 6, 2014

If God were your Father, you would love me

Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Passage: John 8:42–8:47 Series: John

Mar 23


March 23, 2014

Jesus Christ declares: I am the light of the world

Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Passage: John 8:12–8:20 Series: John

Feb 9


February 9, 2014

Zeal for the temple is a prophecy of Jesus' death and resurrection

Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Passage: John 2:12–2:22 Series: John

Mar 29


March 29, 2013

Jesus Christ fulfills Scripture in his final suffering and death.

Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Passage: John 19:28–19:30 Series: John

Mar 24


Jan 27


January 27, 2013

Becoming a disciple of Jesus

Speaker: Rev. A.B Roukema Passage: John 1:35–1:51 Series: John

Dec 25


December 25, 2012

The Word became flesh

Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Passage: John 1:1–1:5 Series: John

Jan 1


January 1, 2012

Jesus Christ explains to his disciples why he has washed their feet

Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Passage: John 13:12–13:17 Series: John

Jul 17


Jun 12


June 12, 2011

The Triune God comes to those who love and obey Him.

Speaker: D. Winkel Passage: John 14:22–14:27 Series: John