Give thanks for the LORD’s Salvation!
Dec 20, 2020 Speaker: Rev. Mark ten Haaf Passage: Jeremiah 33:1–16, John 12:12–19, Psalm 118 Series: Psalm
Jesus Christ teaches us to pray for the hallowing of God’s Name
Dec 17, 2017 Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Passage: Jeremiah 31:27–34, Hebrews 8 Series: Lord's Day
The purpose of our lives is to glorify and show thankfulness to God
Jul 23, 2017 Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Passage: Jeremiah 31:27–34, Galatians 5:16–26 Series: Lord's Day
God calls on his people to live meaningful lives within the hostile city
Dec 4, 2016 Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Passage: Jeremiah 28:1– 29:3 Series: Isaiah
We pray for the hallowing of our Father’s name
Apr 3, 2016 Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Passage: Jeremiah 31:23–34 Series: Lord's Day
The Lord Teaches His People That They Are like Clay in the Potter’s Hand.
Jul 29, 2012 Speaker: Rev. W. B. Slomp Passage: Jeremiah 18:1–18:6 Series: Jeremiah
God’s Punishment on the Generations Comes on Those Who Forsake God and His Law.
May 27, 2012 Speaker: Rev. W. B. Slomp Passage: Jeremiah 16:10–16:12 Series: Jeremiah