Life-sweeping change in Jesus Christ as we die and rise with him
Nov 15, 2020 Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Passage: Romans 6:1–14, Ephesians 4:17–32 Series: Lord's Day
Pray for All Believers
Nov 8, 2020 Speaker: Rev. Mark ten Haaf Passage: John 17:20–26, Ephesians 6:18–20 Series: Lord's Supper
Pray for the Work of the Gospel
Nov 8, 2020 Speaker: Rev. Mark ten Haaf Passage: John 17:6–19, Ephesians 6:18–20 Series: Lord's Supper
The Greatest Defense of the Christian: The Shield of Faith
Oct 18, 2020 Speaker: Rev. Mark ten Haaf Passage: Hebrews 11:1– 12:3, Ephesians 6:16 Series: Ephesians
The Gospel of Peace make you Ready for Battle
Oct 4, 2020 Speaker: Rev. Mark ten Haaf Passage: Luke 2:8–14, Luke 19:28–38, Ephesians 6:15 Series: Ephesians
We’re Made Righteous
Sep 13, 2020 Speaker: Rev. Mark ten Haaf Passage: Ezekiel 36:22–38, Ephesians 6:14b Series: Ephesians
We are Declared Righteous
Sep 13, 2020 Speaker: Rev. Mark ten Haaf Passage: Romans 3:9–31, Ephesians 6:14b Series: Ephesians
Put on the armor of God
Sep 6, 2020 Speaker: Rev. Mark ten Haaf Passage: John 8:31–47, Ephesians 6:10–24 Series: Ephesians
Put on the armor of God
Aug 23, 2020 Speaker: Rev. Mark ten Haaf Passage: Ephesians 6:10–24, Revelation 7:1– 9:7 Series: Revelation
Part 1 - This is my body (Lord's Supper)
Jul 19, 2020 Speaker: Rev. Mark ten Haaf Passage: Ephesians 5:25–33, 1 Corinthians 11:17–34 Series: 1 Corinthians
The First Petition: God’s Name has the ultimate priority!
May 31, 2020 Speaker: Rev. Mark ten Haaf Passage: Ephesians 1 Series: Lord's Day
The death of Jesus Christ is our access to God!
Apr 10, 2020 Speaker: Rev. Mark ten Haaf Passage: Ephesians 2:11–22, Luke 23:26–43, Luke 23:44–49 Series: Luke
The riches we have in Christ
Mar 15, 2020 Speaker: Rev. Hans Kalkman Passage: Ephesians 1 Series: Lord's Day
The 5th commandment teaches us about God’s authority
Feb 16, 2020 Speaker: Rev. Mark ten Haaf Passage: Ephesians 6:1–9, Romans 13:1–7 Series: Lord's Day
Glory be to God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Jan 26, 2020 Speaker: Rev. K. Wieske Passage: Ephesians 1 Series: Lord's Day
The LORD is in his temple
Dec 1, 2019 Speaker: Rev. Mark ten Haaf Passage: Daniel 5, Ephesians 3:14–21 Series: Ephesians
With the guidance of the Canons of Dort Chapter 1, Articles 4-6, we will see that the preaching of the Gospel has a twofold result
Sep 29, 2019 Speaker: Rev. Hans Kalkman Passage: Ephesians 1:1–14, Ephesians 2:1–10 Series: Canons of Dort
God sets the right order for the life of a Christian family
Sep 15, 2019 Speaker: Elder M Geusebroek Passage: Psalm 78:1–8, Colossians 3:18– 4:1, Ephesians 6:1–4 Series: Ephesians
God displays salvation by showing us our sin
Jun 30, 2019 Speaker: Mark ten Haaf Passage: Romans 5:12–21, Ephesians 4:17–24 Series: Lord's Day
Church government is organized by the head of the church, Jesus Christ
May 5, 2019 Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Passage: Acts 20:25–31, Ephesians 4:1–16 Series: Belgic Confession
God reveals Himself merciful and just to our ruined race
Mar 17, 2019 Speaker: Rev. W. Pols Passage: Ephesians 1:1–11, Ephesians 2:1–10 Series: Belgic Confession
Our adoption as God’s children is a banner of His love
Mar 3, 2019 Speaker: Rev. J.M. VanSpronsen Passage: Ephesians 1:1–14 Series: Lord's Day
Since we are members of Christ by faith, we share in His anointing
Feb 24, 2019 Speaker: Elder C. Bansema Passage: Ephesians 1:1–14 Series: Lord's Day
What is the church?
Oct 21, 2018 Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Passage: Ephesians 2:11–22, Ephesians 4:1–16 Series: Belgic Confession
God assures us of salvation with the doctrine of election
Jul 8, 2018 Speaker: Mark ten Haaf Passage: Ephesians 1:1–14 Series: Belgic Confession
We have one God who is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit
May 20, 2018 Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Passage: Ephesians 1:1–14 Series: Belgic Confession
True prayer always gives praise and glory to God
Mar 4, 2018 Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Passage: Isaiah 6:1–7, Ephesians 3:14–21 Series: Lord's Day
A place for the LORD God Almighty to be our Immanuel
Dec 17, 2017 Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Passage: Psalm 84, Ephesians 2:11–22 Series: Ephesians
Trusting God with our sexual lives
Oct 15, 2017 Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Passage: Matthew 5:27–32, Ephesians 5:21–33 Series: Lord's Day
In the fifth word God outlines the blessed bond of parents and children
Oct 1, 2017 Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Passage: Psalm 119:9–16, Ephesians 6:1–9 Series: Lord's Day
The law of God guides us in a life of good works
Aug 6, 2017 Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Passage: Romans 13:8–14, Ephesians 2:1–10 Series: Lord's Day
Where does faith come from?
May 21, 2017 Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Passage: Ephesians 1:1–15, Hebrews 4 Series: Lord's Day
God the Holy Spirit and our sanctification
Feb 19, 2017 Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Passage: Ephesians 2:1–10, 2 Peter 1:12–21 Series: Lord's Day
Jesus Christ is reigning from his ascension to his return
Feb 12, 2017 Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Passage: Ephesians 1:15–23 Series: Lord's Day
The change from the old to the new way of life impacts how we acquire the necessities of life
Oct 9, 2016 Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Passage: Ephesians 4:17– 5:2, Series: Ephesians
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me!
Sep 4, 2016 Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Passage: Ephesians 2:1–10 Series: Ephesians
The building and Composition of God’s Household. In that house you are:
Jul 31, 2016 Speaker: Rev. W. B. Slomp Passage: 1 Peter 2:4–12, Ephesians 2:11–18 Series: Lord's Day
True prayer always resonates with praise to God
Jul 10, 2016 Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Passage: Ephesians 3 Series: Lord's Day
In Christ you were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit
May 1, 2016 Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Passage: Ephesians 1:1–14 Series: Ephesians
God made husband and wife one flesh
Jan 3, 2016 Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Passage: Ephesians 5:21–33 Series: Ephesians
As dearly loved children of God in Christ, be very careful how you live.
Dec 27, 2015 Speaker: Rev. A.B Roukema Passage: Ephesians 5:1–21 Series: Ephesians
A huge blessing from God is the relationship of parents and children
Dec 13, 2015 Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Passage: Ephesians 5:21– 6:4 Series: Lord's Day
Jesus Christ is the ruler of the kings of the earth
Dec 13, 2015 Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Passage: Ephesians 1:15–23, Revelation 1:1–8 Series: Ephesians
The Many Uses of the Tongue.
Nov 29, 2015 Speaker: Rev. W. B. Slomp Passage: Ephesians 4:17–32, James 3:1–12 Series: Lord's Day
Jesus Christ is crowned as King
Jun 14, 2015 Speaker: Student Hilmer Jagersma Passage: Ephesians 1:15–1:23 Series: Lord's Day
Know the comfort of Christ’s rule
Apr 26, 2015 Speaker: Rev. A.B Roukema Passage: Ephesians 1:1–1:23 Series: Lord's Day
What it means to be human
Dec 28, 2014 Speaker: Rev. W. B. Slomp Passage: Ephesians 4:17–4:32 Series: Lord's Day
By grace alone God gives us faith
Sep 21, 2014 Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Passage: Ephesians 2:1–2:10 Series: Ephesians
Can I be sure of my election?
May 11, 2014 Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Passage: Ephesians 1:1–1:14 Series: Ephesians
He chose us in him before the creation of the world
Apr 13, 2014 Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Passage: Ephesians 1:1–1:14 Series: Ephesians
The profound secret of marriage.
Jan 26, 2014 Speaker: Rev. A.B Roukema Passage: Ephesians 5:21–5:33 Series: Ephesians
The husband is head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body
Nov 24, 2013 Speaker: Rev. E. J. Tiggelaar Passage: Ephesians 5:22–5:24 Series: Ephesians
We are God's workmanship
Nov 24, 2013 Speaker: Rev. E. J. Tiggelaar Passage: Ephesians 2:10 Series: Ephesians
God made husband and wife one flesh
Nov 17, 2013 Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Passage: Ephesians 5:21–5:33 Series: Ephesians
The fruit of the Spirit is joy and peace
Oct 7, 2012 Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Passage: Ephesians 5:22b Series: Ephesians
The kind of unity which God seeks for His church
Jun 17, 2012 Speaker: Rev. E. J. Tiggelaar Passage: Ephesians 4:1–4:16 Series: Ephesians
PS: grace to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love
Nov 20, 2011 Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Passage: Ephesians 6:21–6:24 Series: Ephesians
Stand firm in the battle against spiritual powers
Oct 30, 2011 Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Passage: Ephesians 6:10–6:20 Series: Ephesians
New life in Jesus Christ affects the relationship of parents and children
Oct 16, 2011 Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Passage: Ephesians 6:1–6:4 Series: Ephesians
Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ
Oct 2, 2011 Speaker: Rev. Richard Aasman Passage: Ephesians 5:21–5:33 Series: Ephesians